
Swtor multispec
Swtor multispec


| Con: Enemies can change their spec to account for war zone orientations.


Plus change specs for different war zone orientations. to make our SWTOR Jedi/Sith for a campaign set in the Old Republic Era. I dragged it to my task bar and then right-clicked it, and there was a glow around my character. Will definitsly have to multispec, but still not clear abou the most effective.


I claimed it and it moved to my inventory, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to use it. | Pro: Don’t have to change different specs for before, during and after raids. It has been awhile since I have played SWTOR, but I have a Level 26 character and bought a Varactyl from the Cartel Market. | Could get iffy depending on the gear’s usable conditions and stat difference to regular valor gear. | I want to know what’s in there first :P. Repairs, probably the introduction of selling BoE drops and adding to the bank to account for the money required for repairs. | Pro: Great place for storing materials to create Equipment and Consumables, as of current, materials fill cargo bays and inventory heavily, and sent to alts to maintain space. | Cons: Players arguing content is too hard. More desire to continue to improve in order to reach expectations to complete challenges. Player imbalance due to recognition of weak and strong classes. | Cons: People can become focused on producing the best results for combat logs and dismiss some attention to doing the right thing.

swtor multispec

– Epic weapon/gear quests: not in 1.| Pro: In perspective of raiders, it is beneficial to be able to analyze discrete combat information within real time scenarios in order to dissect ‘what is the optimal approach’ towards our ability decision making. Also includes optimisation for higher-end machines where issues exist. That team is being kept alive to deliver further improvements. 1.1.5 going live tomorrow should also assist with this. – Ability to turn off environment effects to make game run better on lower-end machines: yes a team working on making the game run better. For instance i use action bar 1-2 for a given spec and action bar 3-4 for another spec. – Going back to origin planets: will be putting daily hubs there where appropriate. It’s coming this year with large story update. Always wanted to do these romance arcs but was a budget decision. Relies of writer lead times, want to do it right. – Same gender romance: it’s coming, with story updates. – PvP backfilling people who leave a Warzone – being worked on for 1.2 plus further incentivisation of staying in a match – Ability to change rank of guild leader from default: “noted” We were told wed get dual spec/multispec in 2 parts, one that would. – impact of legacy on encouraging single-faction guilds to play outside guilds: “good feedback”, may need to prioritise work on adversary guild features, want to ensure legacy system doesn’t impact guilds Field Respec is a sub-par stop gap until we can get the multi-spec that was mentioned. also cooler outfits for endgame Republic progression

swtor multispec

– Balancing factions on servers: Legacy part of resolving that. you still have to change your equipment manually though. so with a single click you get your UI exactly how you want it for you want it for the spec minus a couple of spell you learned from talent.


That said, full designed already done for a bunch of SWTOR mini-games For instance i use action bar 1-2 for a given spec and action bar 3-4 for another spec. – Pod racing / Swoop racing: would love to do it but lots of other priorities. It’s designed to give you a general overview of the operation, show you how to enter inside and start it, what missions you can pick up and complete, the bosses you have to defeat and puzzles to solve, and the loot and rewards for running the operation. – Battle res for Troopers and Bounty Hunters: no plans This is a collective guide to the R-4 Anomaly Operation in SWTOR. BioWare has removed set bonuses from the game and replaced them with Legendary Implants, which are just implants with old 4 or 6-piece set bonus effects on them, so rather than needing to collect 4 pieces of a gear set to get the 4-piece set bonus, or 6 pieces for the 6-piece, you’ll get either a 4 or 6-piece set bonus effect on an implant. – Cross-faction communication could be tied into Legacy setup – Cross-faction communication cross-server: infrastructure not there now but something BioWare wants to do. – Additional mechanics and rewards in Nightmare modes

swtor multispec

– TOROZ (David’s) interview with Gabe last week gets a mention as far as realm versus realm PvP: something BioWare wants to do but no ETA – Ilum bonus quests: turn XP into some other type of reward at 50? Unsure at this stage due to cash flow impact into economy – first part: switch between skill tree builds makes gear look more integrated with chest to a voice ‘Power Rangers’ look Daniel Erickson covers off the final session where it’s open slather on anything not covered previously:

Swtor multispec